Malaria and Dengue Virus: Outbreaks after Flooding
HTWB Academy Lecture
Health Impacts of Floods Series
HTWB Academy lecture: “Malaria and Dengue Virus: Outbreaks after Floodings” by Dr. Amir M. Mohareb, MD, Division of Infectious Diseases Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School.
Date recorded: 12/05/22
Video editing by: Brandt YouRan Li
This lecture was developed as part of HTWB’s Pakistan Flood Response, a program which aims to support communities and clinicians in Pakistan impacted by devastating floods in 2022.
The program was launched in partnership with the National Institute of Kidney & Urological Diseases (NIKUD) Research Hospital at the University of Karachi, Pakistan. This lecture discusses diagnostic and treatment considerations for dengue fever and malaria, mosquito-borne illnesses that commonly arise in the setting of emergent floods in resource-limited and austere environments globally.
Special thanks to our community partner, Dr. Sakina Naqvi at NIKUD Research Hospital in Karachi, Pakistan.